Saturday 21 October 2017

Maths Problem Solving

In Room 12 we have problem solving sessions where we work together in groups to solve maths problems. Sometimes these groups have students from a mix of different levels and at other times we work with students from our own maths group. 

The process we follow is ... 
1. Read together as a group to understand what the problem is asking. 
2. Try to solve the problem ourself and record the strategy used.
3. Take turns to share how we solved the problem with our group.
4. Record (as a group) the best strategy to solve the problem.
5. Share with the class (or maths group).

Below are some examples ...

Thursday 21 September 2017

Taniwha Art

We are very proud of the 'Taniwha' art we completed, some of which is on our calendars this year. Thank you Miss Taylor for working on these with our class.

Clean As Posters

In Term 3 we learnt about how to take care of ourselves physically as we start to grow up. There were many important messages: Shower everyday, wash your hands, cover cuts and sores, do not share 'spit', use deodorant, wash your clothes, wear clean clothes and keep germs to yourself.
We also completed a couple of posters ...

Friday 15 September 2017